Over the past year, Telegram has shown incredible audience growth, and the messenger now has 8.7% of active users. The approximate statistics by country are 45 million users in Iran, 9.8 million users in Brazil, and 9 million users in the United States, according to “The Bell.” Analysts report that the number of app downloads will exceed 1 billion by the end of 2022.
More and more Telegram users have started thinking about creating their own channels and chats. If you want to know how much you can earn from advertising through our ads platform, then this article is for you!
Income Analytics
In a recent update, we added a new “Income Analytics” section. It contains anonymous statistics of channel incomes by quarters. To see the stats, go to the “Telegram Channel Analytics” section.
In this section, you can see the analytics of channels, topics, and incomes. Let’s take a closer look at incomes.
There are 3 filters in the “Incomes Analytics” section:
- by quarters;
- by subscribers;
- by topics.
If you create a new Telegram channel and select the topics, the filter will help you evaluate your income within each topic. Owners of popular channels can use the filters to compare their performance with others.
To sum up
The new section is equally helpful for both channel owners and users who are about to start a new channel. The first can compare their results from running Telegram channels with each other, and the second can choose the best topics for making money.
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