Terms & Conditions
Before starting to use the service Telega.io (hereinafter – service),
please read this document carefully.
By using this service through your personal account on the website, you confirm your agreement with the present rules listed on the website, and you accept the conditions set forth herein to undertake and follow them. If you do not accept the conditions of the rules, please stop using the service.
The service is a catalogue of public channels on various topics that functions as an instrument for advertisement space search within the ecosystem of the messenger Telegram. This platform unites administrators of popular channels and Advertisers that are willing to promote their products, channels, brands, or services.
1. Definitions
1.1. In these rules, the meanings and definitions of the terms used are as follows:
1.1.1. Project — An advertising post presented in a corresponding form, containing an image or video; a link to a product, service, or web service; and advertising text.
1.1.2. Advertiser — A registered user of the service that creates advertising Projects and verifies and pays for their fulfillment.
1.1.3. Channel Owner — A registered user of the service who owns or administrates a public or private channel or chat (group) in the messenger Telegram. The Channel Owner accepts for consideration and fulfills publication of advertising Projects from Advertisers.
1.1.4. Safe deal – is a system that allows Advertiser and Channel Owner to protect themselves from failure to fulfill obligations of second party. SD guarantees to both parties the observance of the obligations: To advertiser - order fulfillment or refund if it is not fulfilled; To the channel owner - payment after the successful placement of the Project
1-B. Prohibited topics for advertising projects
It is prohibited to promote:
— Projects that violate government laws of the countries in which the project is advertised;
— Fraudulent activities including cheating, carding, fake ID distribution and other scam or money-making schemes with a promise of profit;
— Illegal activities such as sale of guns, drugs and adult services, including searching for and offering work in the enumerated activities;
— Projects that are violating moral and ethical standards, rights and legally protected interests of other individuals or groups;
— Services for collecting and transmitting information prohibited for distribution, including personal data.
2. Creation of an Advertising Project
2.1. Advertising Projects can be created only by registered users, either by Advertisers or by Channel Owners.
2.2. Projects consist of:
- a list of channels (that will contain the Project);
- links to the advertised resource;
- text of the advertisement;
- image or video;
- wishes for the Project (requirements in regards to the form of the post, date and time of publishing, and other).
2.3. A Channel Owner must accept or reject the advertisement Project within 24 hours. Otherwise, the application will be automatically canceled. After proceeding with the Project, the process will begin within 36 hours, unless other specified in the wishes for the Project.
2.4. The Project will be published in the public feed by the channel, depending on the posting format:
1/24 — The ad post will stay on top of the channel (as the latest post) for at least 1 hr, and after 24 hrs from its publication, it’ll be removed from the channel (it’ll stay on the channel not less than 24 hours);
In a chat (group) The project is published and pinned for 24 hours; pinning other posts is not allowed for the entire period.
2/48 — The ad post will stay on top of the channel (as the latest post) for at least 2 hrs and won't be removed until at least 48 hrs after its publication;
In a chat (group) The project is published and pinned for 48 hours; pinning other posts is not allowed for the entire period.
3/72 — The ad post will stay on top of the channel (as the latest post) for at least 3 hrs and won’t be removed until at least 72 hrs after its publication;
In a chat (group) The project is published and pinned for 72 hours; pinning other posts is not allowed for the entire period.
7 days — The ad post will be published for 7 days and 3 hours top;
Native format – The post is published for 7 days with a 1-hour top (no new posts for 1 hour);
Forwarded Message (Repost) — Project-post from the advertised channel is published on the format 1/24 in another channel with retention of at least 1 hour in the top (without updates and displacement of new posts). After 24 hours the Owner may delete the post at his will.
In a chat (group) The project is published and pinned for 24 hours; pinning other posts is not allowed for the entire period.
2.5. The Project is to be paid at the stage of its creation. The payment will debited from the Advertiser’s account, reserved by the service, and credited to the Channel Owner after verification and confirmation of publication by the Advertiser within 24–72 hours (after 24–72 hours, the payment will be debited from Advertiser’s account automatically).
2.6. The Channel Owner has the right to cancel the order of the Project without explanation.
2.7. If the Channel Owner doesn’t accept the order within 24 hours from the moment of the Project creation, the payment will return to the Advertiser’s account automatically (unless the autoreplace function is selected).
2.7-B Autoreplacement feature automatically selects a channel for ad placement in the event that an ad order is not accepted or ignored. Ad price, cost per view, channel rating and topic are taken into account to determine the best replacement. Advertiser agrees that this feature is automatic and does not require additional approval. Note that autoreplacement does not filter channels by region or target audience and instead selects channels based on key metrics.
2.8. If within 24 hours after launching a Project, the Owner will not take the order into work, the payment will remain in the system until a new channel or chat is selected and the Project is published, in case you selected "Autoreplacement". Data about new channels and chats are displayed in the "My Projects" section of the personal cabinet.
2.9. The Advertiser has the right to cancel payment within 24–72 hours after notification of Project placement if the Channel Owner commits any of the following violations:
2.9.1. .The Project was not published on the chosen channel or chat (group);
2.9.2.The Project was published without an image or video (if it was added to the Project);
2.9.3. The link to the Project is modified, inactive, or doesn’t correspond to the declared one;
2.9.4. The text of the advertisement was modified without prior agreement or doesn’t correspond to the declared one;
2.9.5. The Project was not published according to the requirements of the Advertiser (date, time, form of the post, or other);
2.9.6. The channel or chat (group) where the Project placement was ordered is blocked or inactive;
2.9.7. The Project stayed in the feed of the chosen channel for less than 24–72 hours or stayed pinned for less than 24–72 hours in the chat;
2.9.8. The Project stayed for less than 1–3 hours on the top of the feed of the chosen channel; or
2.9.9. The audience of the channel and their behaviour aroused suspicion (fake subscribers, views, or other unnatural activities).
2.10. The Advertiser has the right to cancel the application within 24 hours, until the Channel Owner accepts it for work, without giving any reason.
2.11. Other reasons for payment cancellation by the Advertiser can be considered by the administrator of the service. The final decision on such requests will be taken at the discretion of the administrator of the service.
2.12. The service notifies that it adheres to political neutrality. The creation of Projects containing political topics, including direct or hidden campaigning using the means and techniques of the advertising genre, as well as without the use of such means and techniques, is not allowed.
2-B. Creation of an Advertising Project in Bots
2-B.1. An advertising Project can only be created by a registered user, either the Advertiser or the Channel Owner.
2-B.2. The Project consists of:
2-B.2.1. A list of bots (in which the Project will be placed);
2-B.2.2. Links to the Project;
2-B.2.3. The text of the advertisement;
2-B.2.4. Images or videos; and
2-B.2.5. Requirements for the Project (requirements for post formatting, date and time of publication, etc.).
2-B.3. The bot owner must accept or reject an application for an advertising Project within 24 hours. After acceptance of the Project, its implementation will occur within 72 hours, unless otherwise indicated in the wishes for the Project.
2-B.4. An advertising message will be published in the bot’s message feed for a certain number of users, depending on the posting format:
- Mailing to all active users of the bot or
- Mailing to a part of the base of active users of the bot.
2-B.5. The Project is paid for at the stage of its creation. Payment will be debited from the Advertiser’s balance and is reserved by the service. Payment to the bot owner will be credited within 24 hours from the moment of clicking on the “Submission Completed” button.
2-B.6. The owner of the bot has the right to cancel the application for a Project without explaining the reasons before accepting the Project for work.
2-B.7. If the bot owner does not accept the application for work within 24 hours from the moment of the Project creation, the payment will be returned to the Advertiser’s balance automatically.
2-B.8. The Advertiser has the right create a complaint with a request to cancel the payment within 24 hours after the end of the mailing if the bot owner commits any of the following violations:
2-B.8.1. The campaign was not started or completed in the selected bot;
2-B.8.2. The Project was sent without an image or video (if it was added to the Project);
2-B.8.3. The link to the Project is modified or inactive or does not correspond to the declared one;
2-B.8.4. The text of the advertisement was modified without prior agreement or does not correspond to the declared one;
2-B.8.5. The Project was sent without taking into account the wishes of the Advertiser (date, post format, etc.); or
2-B.8.6. The bot’s audience and its behaviour is suspicious (cheat subscribers, views, or other unnatural activities).
2-B.9. The Advertiser has the right to cancel the application within 24 hours, until the Channel Owner accepts it for work, without giving any reason.
2-B.10. All other reasons for cancellation of payment by the Advertiser can be considered by the administrators of the service. The final decision on such complaints will be made at the discretion of the service administrator.
3. Safe Deal
3.1. The Safe Deal is mandatory for all Projects in the system.
3.2. The cost of the Safe Deal is 20% of the price set by the owner of the channel, chat (group), or bot.
4. Addition of a Channel (Chat)
4.1. A request to add a public or private channel or chat (group) can only be made by a user registered as a Channel owner
4.2. Both public and private channels and chats (groups) are added to the catalogue of the service.
4.3. The application to add a channel or a chat (group) undergoes obligatory moderation during each 48-hour period.
4.4. When submitting an application to add a channel or chat (group), the Owner of the channel or chat (group) must indicate the required information:
- Link to a channel or chat (group);
- Name of the channel or chat (group);
- Subject of the channel or chat (group);
- Price for placing one post:
- 1/24: 24 hours in the feed and 1 hour in the top;
- 2/48: 48 hours in the feed and 2 hours in the top;
- 3/72: 72 hours in the feed and 3 hours in the top;
- 7 days: The ad post will be published for 7 days and 3 hours top;
- Forwarded message (repost) for at least 48 hours in a chat (group);
- Avatar; and
- Description of the channel or chat (group), audience, and coverage.
4.5. Indication of personal information of the admin of the channel, price for placement, and other conditions of placement that differ from the service conditions in the description of the channel or chat (group) are not allowed.
4.6. A channel cannot be added into the catalogue if the following violations are discovered during moderation:
4.6.1. The channel or chat (group) has less than 1000 subscribers;
4.6.2. The channel or chat (group) is blocked or inactive;
4.6.3. The application contains an incorrect link to the channel or chat (group) or a link that requires admin approval;
4.6.4. The Channel Owner is not administrating or does not own the claimed channel or chat (group);
4.6.5. The channel or chat (group) doesn’t aim to receive and place advertising Projects;
4.6.6. The channel or chat (group) hasn’t been publishing public messages for a long time;
4.6.7. The audience of the channel or chat (group) and its behaviour arouses suspicion (cheat subscribers, views, or other unnatural activities);
4.6.8. The channel or chat (group) is less than three months from the creation of the first publishing;
4.6.9. The channel or chat (group) is not registered in analytics services or there is no relevant data collected in analytics services for a period of at least 14 days;
4.6.10. The channel’s content largely consists of materials that violate ethical and moral norms (shock content);
4.6.11. A significant part of the channel's audience was attracted using low-quality promotion methods, spam, forced subscription (mandatory subscription to the channel to use the bot, etc.).
4.6.12 The content of the channel (chat, group) and/or the audience of the channel (chat, group) is of insufficient quality for the Service (including, but not limited to, contain: copypaste, low quality content, a large number of grammatical errors, deliberately false messages, etc.).
4.6.13 The channel’s content largely consists of political materials, including direct or indirect campaigning, directly or indirectly refers to certain political associations, parties, or public associations or organizations with political goals.
4.7. An already added channel or chat (group) can be excluded from the catalogue in time if the above-mentioned violations (par. 4.6) are discovered again.
4.8. If the channel is suspected of using «grey» or other methods of cheating to gain subscribers (inorganic growth of subscribers), the administrator’s account shall be completely blocked. Any amount left on his/her account will be debited in favour of the Advertiser and will not be subject to withdrawal.
4.9. Statistics of the channel or chat (group) and its feasibility will be updated automatically.
4.10. The channel can be sent for re-moderation 30 days after the first submission of the request for moderation. If, after re-moderation, the channel is rejected again, re-submission for moderation will be available after 60 days.
4.11. Channels caught in dishonest promotion methods (boosting subscribers, views, or other unnatural activities) are deprived of the possibility of repeated moderation.
4-B. Adding Bots to the Directory
4-B.1. An application to add a bot can only be submitted by a registered user, either the Advertiser or the Owner of the bot.
4-B.2. An application to add a bot passes obligatory moderation within 48 hours.
4-B.3. To validate the owner’s rights to the bot, in the bot management (via @BotFather), add the text TELEGA_BOTCATALOG to the bot description. After adding a bot to the directory, the text can be deleted.
4-B.4. When submitting an application to add a bot, the bot owner must indicate the required information:
- Link to the bot;
- Bot name;
- Description of the bot’s functionality;
- Avatar;
- Prices for sending one advertising message:
- to all active users of the bot
- to a part of the base of active users of the bot (optional)
- Topic;
- The number of active users and the date when this indicator was checked; and
- Minimum order (when ordering mailing in parts).
4-B.5. It is prohibited to indicate in the description of the bot the personal data of the channel administrator, the price of placement, and other conditions of placement that differ from the conditions of the service.
4-B.6. A bot cannot be added to the catalogue if the following violations are detected during moderation:
4-B.6.1. The bot has less than 1,000 active users;
4-B.6.2. The bot contains content from grey and forbidden topics (18+, pyramid schemes, fraud, etc.);
4-B.6.3. The user is not an administrator or owner of the bot (To validate the owner’s rights to the bot, in the bot management (via @BotFather), add the text TELEGA_BOTCATALOG to the bot description. After adding the bot to the catalogue , the text can be deleted);
4-B.6.4. The bot does not receive or place advertising Projects;
4-B.7. An already added bot may be excluded from the catalogue over time if the mentioned violations (clause 4-B.6) are re-identified.
4-B.8. If the bot is suspected of using “grey” and other methods of “cheating” (non-organic growth) of active users, the administrator’s account will be subject to complete blocking. All funds remaining on the balance of such an account are debited in favor of the Advertiser.
4-B.9. The bot admin can update the bot statistics in his or her personal account in manual mode.
5. Project Publishing
5.1. The decision of whether to publish the advertisement Project will be made only by the Channel Owner. Service administration cannot influence this decision.
5.2. After receiving a notice of an incoming advertisement, the Project Channel Owner shall respond to the application within 24 hours. If this step is overlooked, the Project will be canceled automatically upon expiry of 24 hours.
5.3. The Channel Owner has the right either to proceed with the Project or to reject the application.
5.4. Upon proceeding, the Project Channel Owner changes the relevant state in his or her profile and undertakes the publishing of the advertising post in the subsequent 36 hours, unless other specified in the wishes of the Project. If a precise date and time of the post publishing are indicated, the Channel Owner shall accept and fulfill the Project according to these instructions.
5.5. The advertising post has to be edited manually. The wishes of the Advertiser in the application are obligatory to follow.
5.6. The Project will be published in the public messages feed of the channel for 24–72 hours, with 1–3 hours in the top, depending on the posting format (without updates with new posts). For chats (groups), the advertising record will be fixed for 24–72 hours.
5.7. After successful publication, the Owner of the Channel or chat (group) must send the link of the advertising post for review, thereby changing the status of the Project in the “My Projects” section. For a public channel, the link format will be https://t.me/TelegaAdExchange/84, for a private channel https://t.me/c/14376586631/169. Post verification by the Advertiser and service admins lasts 24–72 hours. Then, funds are automatically credited to the balance of the Owner of the channel or chat (group). If the link for review is not sent on time, the Project will be canceled without further payment.
5.8. If the conditions and wishes for placement are not met, the Advertiser has the right to cancel the payment for the Project during verification (see par. 2.9) by submitting a complaint to the service administrators.
5-B. Distribution of an Advertising Project in Bots
5-B.1. The decision to send an advertising Project will be made only by the bot owner. The service administration cannot influence this.
5-B.2. After receiving a notification about the arrival of a new advertising Project, the bot owner must respond to the application within 24 hours. If this action is ignored, the Project will be canceled automatically after 24 hours.
5-B.3. The owner of the bot has the right to accept the Project for work or reject the application and offer his or her own start date for the mailing.
5-B.4. When accepting the Project for work, the bot owner changes the corresponding status in his or her personal account and undertakes to launch and complete the mailing within the next 72 hours, unless otherwise indicated in the wishes of the Project. If the exact date and time of post distribution are specified, the bot owner must accept and execute the Project according to this instruction.
5-B.5. The bot owner and Advertiser can discuss order details in chat after the bot owner accepts the Project.
5-B.6. The wishes and requirements of the Advertiser in the application are binding if the bot owner accepts the Project for work.
5-B.7. The advertising Project will be sent to active users, the number of which will be indicated in the Advertiser’s application, without further deletion of the advertising message.
5-B.8. Before sending the message, the bot owner informs the Advertiser of the estimated start and end dates of the mailing in the chat between the bot owner and the Advertiser.
5-B.9. After successful mailing, the bot owner must inform the Advertiser of the completion of mailing and indicate the exact number of delivered messages, thereby changing the status of the Project in the “Projects” section to “Submission Completed.”
5-B.10. In the event of of non-compliance with the conditions and wishes for placement, the Advertiser has the right to cancel the payment for the Project during verification by filing a complaint for consideration by the administrators of the service.
6. Placement in the “Hot Deals” Catalogue
6.1. The owner of the channel cannot add a “Hot Deal” to the section https://telega.io/hot_orders more often than once every 7 days.
6.2. The Channel Owner cannot add a Hot Deal earlier than 7 days after a price change.
6.3. Your hot deal can be created at least an hour before the date you indicated, and a month before in advance.
6.4. After the Project is accepted, the “Submit for Review” button will be available for 6 hours: 3 hours before the date and time you specified in the “Hot Deal” and 3 hours after. That is, the Channel Owner has 6 hours to complete the Project and send it to the Advertiser for review.
6.5. The Channel Owner cannot add an offer with less than a 25% discount.
6.6. A Hot Deal will be valid until 24 hours, after which it will be hidden from the “Hot Deals” catalogue.
6.7. If the administration of the exchange or Advertisers find that in the “Hot Deals” the Channel Owner indicates the cost of an advertising post is higher than its usual prices on the channel, we reserve the right to permanently block access to the “Hot Deals” section for this channel.
7. Purchase of Forwards
7.1. Application moderation might take up to 24 hours. After moderation, the Project will be launched automatically at the time specified at the Advertiser’s assignment.
7.2. The selection of channels in the selected topics will be performed automatically.
7.3. The administration of the technical service cannot interfere with the selection of channels.
7.4. The customer can follow the progress of the Project in the “My Projects” section of the “Forwards” tab — https://telega.io/mass_orders.
7.5. If the channel rejects the application, the channel will be automatically replaced.
7.6. In case of cancellation of the Project by the Advertiser, the return of funds to the balance will be provided only from unfulfilled or ignored applications.
7.7. A post intended for repost should not contain a direct link to Telegram channels or a commercial website selling goods or services. Only links to media resources, YouTube, other social networks, or informational posts in the Telegram channel are accepted for placement.
7.8 When the «Buy Forwards» service is launched, channels are selected automatically based on rating, topic and placement price. Advertiser agrees that this feature is automatic and additional approval is not required. Note that «Buy Forwards» does not filter channels by region or target audience and instead channels are selected based on key metrics.
8. Chatting Between Advertiser and Channel Owner
8.1. Chat for communication between the Advertiser and the Channel Owner will be initiated after the acceptance of the “Order” and will remain active until its completion.
8.2. In the chat, it is forbidden to exchange links that lead to third-party Telegram accounts, even if they are added to the Telega.io directory. In case of of a violation of this section, we will downgrade the channel’s rating in the catalogue.
8.3. Through chat, you can exchange only text information.
9. Balance replenishment, withdrawal and fees charged.
9.1 Both the Advertiser and the Owner can replenish and withdraw from the balance.
9.2 When the Owner fulfills a Project, they receive on their balance an amount equal to the cost of the advertising post specified when adding a channel or a bot to the directory minus the Service commission of 12.5%.
9.3 Available methods for topping up the balance can be found on the page https://telega.io/recharge. Depositing Service commission is 15% (but not less than $0.85).
9.4 Available methods of balance withdrawal and conditions for each method can be found on the page https://telega.io/payment_requests
9.4.1 To avoid fraudulent actions, withdrawal of the money previously deposited to the balance of the Service by the Advertiser is possible only to the same bank card or e-wallet of the Advertiser that was used to deposit the money to the balance.
9.4.2 In some cases when withdrawal of funds in accordance with paragraph 9.4.1 is not possible due to technical or other reasons (loss of payment instrument, etc.), the Service has the right to require verification of the withdrawal payment by requesting additional information from the Advertiser, which proves its identity and payment details. Verification can be performed by the Service by engaging a partner company that performs verification on the Internet.
9.5 After withdrawal request has been created, a letter with the link for transaction validation is sent to the mailbox. The completed and confirmed withdrawal request is processed on the nearest operational day: Monday, Wednesday or Friday. The request created on the payout day (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) will be processed on the next business day. The minimum withdrawal amount depends on the withdrawal method and can be clarified under https://telega.io/recharge.
9.6 The Service allows the User to set up automatic payments to pay Owners for the services of publishing Advertiser's advertising Projects.
Periods and amounts available for automatic replenishment, as well as payment means from which automatic replenishment is possible, are displayed in the User's Personal account. Balance replenishment is carried out by automatic deduction of funds from the selected means of payment in the amount and with the frequency specified in the settings of the auto-replenishment.
In order to set up auto-replenishment, the User should select the "auto-replenishment" function in his Personal Account, "Profile settings", "Finance" section, and link the means of payment: select the period, amount and the means of payment, from which the balance will be automatically replenished.
You can refuse automatic replenishment by deactivating this function in the same section. Funds that were not used to pay the Hosts for the publication of Advertiser's Project advertisements can be refunded to the means of payment by processing a withdrawal request. Withdrawal requests are processed in accordance with clause 9.4.
If the user has any questions about automatic replenishment of the balance, he/she can contact the support service.
9.7. In the case where no orders are placed by the Advertiser within one calendar month, an automatic deduction of funds from the Advertiser's balance will occur as compensation for the right to use the Service, in the amount of $12 for each such month. If the funds are insufficient, the deduction will be made up to the remaining balance.
9-A. Granting and Termination of Access to the Service
9-A.1. From the moment of their registration on the Service, users are granted access to the Service for the purpose of utilizing its functionalities, including ad placement.
9-A.2. If a user of the Service has ceased/suspended the use of the Service for the purposes of ad placement, their access to the Service will be restricted, starting from the 7th month from the day of the last ad placement (for users who have suspended/ceased using the Service before March 26, 2024, inclusively, the term starts on March 26, 2024). The restriction involves a block on using services within the balance/personal account in the user's Account. The block lasts for one month. If the user resumes using the Service for the purposes of ad placement within one month, the block will be removed. If the user does not resume using the Service for the purposes of ad placement within one month, the user's Account will be subject to deletion without the possibility of further recovery.
9-B Fair price guarantee.
9-B.1. The channel administrator independently sets and regulates the price for ads in their channel. However, to guarantee the best price for Telega.io customers, the service reserves the right to unilaterally suspend cooperation with the channel if the final price for ads in the channel through Telega.io is more expensive than the price indicated on any other platform.
10. Refund, Return, and Withdrawal Policies
10.1. The service guarantees the return of available free funds on the user’s balance for the specified Telega.io service(s) at his or her first request.
10.2. In order to request a refund of available free funds on the balance, the user must create a withdrawal on the following page: https://telega.io/payment_requests.
10.3. The issued and the confirmed withdrawal request will be processed on the next business day: Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. The application created on the days of payments (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) will be processed on the next transaction day.
10.4. Refunds are made by transferring the required amount to one of the electronic wallets (Capitalist or Payeer) or to a Visa/MasterCard. The transaction will take place 1–3 banking days after the money was sent.
11. Liabilities of the Administration
11.1. The service, its software, and all content contained on the service are provided on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. Administration does not provide any direct or indirect guarantees, in particular, on feasibility or ease of use of the service or any content that is accessed through the service.
11.2. Administration makes every effort to ensure smooth operation of the service. However, administration is not responsible for temporary unavailability of the service due to technical malfunctions, which are the consequence of circumstances independent of the administration.
11.3. Administration takes measures to prevent the appearance of “fake” channels as well as invalid or illegal offers but does NOT guarantee maximum effectiveness of such measures.
11.4. The user of the service (Advertiser and/or Channel Owner) independently bears all risks, and the service is not responsible for the methods of receiving remuneration selected by the user. Additionally, the user of the service accepts and agrees that the service is not responsible for any amounts of commissions that may be charged by the payment system when transferring or receiving any payments within the service. Also, the user (Advertiser and/or Channel Owner) fully accepts and agrees that any commissions charged within the service, such as
11.4.1. payment system commissions
11.4.2. payment system partners’ commissions
11.4.3. commissions within the framework of a safe transaction
11.4.4. commissions for replenishment, and
11.4.5. the execution of orders included in the calculations when using the service by any users (including the commissions provided for in Section 7 of the Rules)
are not subject to refunds and/or compensation to the user when he or she is withdrawing funds and/or when the user refuses the service.
11.5 In order to avoid controversy, disputes, Internet fraud and other actions misleading the Users, the Administration assures that the primary source of information for working with the Service is the website of the Service at: telega.io. Any updates in the work of the Service in the first place appear on the specified website. In all disputes related to the execution of advertisements, financial transactions and other actions that Users may perform through the Service, the data from the website of the Service is the primary source, unless otherwise specified in these Terms.
12. Affiliate Program
12.1. The Owner of a Channel, chat (group), or bot can receive additional income from the orders of attracted Advertisers. For the brought client (Advertiser who made a purchase), a reward of 3.9% of the transaction value will be provided.
12.2. In order to invite an Advertiser, send your unique referral link, which is available at https://telega.io/referral. There are 6 types of links for use, and these lead to:
- The Home page;
- The catalogue;
- “My Projects”;
- “Hot Deals”;
- Cards of your channels.
- Collected and user-saved channel packages.
12.3. The service does not allow using:
— brand queries (product names) as ad campaign keywords;
— brand queries, brand names, and affiliate names in headlines, ad texts, and other promotional materials;
— the word "official" and its derivatives in promotional materials.
12.3 The referral link will be valid for 2 years from the date of the first bonus enrollment.
13. Privacy Policy and Purpose of Personal Information Collecting
13.1. The administration of the website of the internet service “Telega.io” can utilize the user’s personal information for the following purposes:
13.1.1. User’s identification.
13.1.2. To provide the user with access to personalized resources of the website associated with the internet service “Telega.io.”
13.1.3. To establish feedback communication with the user, including sending notifications, requests regarding the use of the website of the internet service “Telega.io,” and processing requests and applications from the user.
13.1.4. Confirmation of the authenticity and completeness of personal data provided by the user.
13.1.5. To provide the user with effective customer and technical support in the event of problems associated with the use of the website associated with the internet service.
13.1.6. While making a deal and/or providing a service, communicating with the user to inform him/her of changes or additions to the service(s) and/or about the availability of any service(s) provided by the contractor.
13.1.7. Service quality assessments.
13.1.8. Implementation of marketing activities by the contractor.
13.2 For the purpose of maintaining system security and preserving user balances, functionality of accounts that have been inactive for more than 180 days is restricted. For the purposes of this clause, lack of activity is defined as the absence of any transactions on the account.
14. Methods and Terms of Personal Information Processing
14.1. The processing of the user’s personal data will be carried out without any time limits, in any legal way, including in personal data information systems using automation tools or without using such tools.
14.2. In case of the loss or disclosure of personal data, the website administrator informs the user about the loss or disclosure of personal data.
14.3. The website administrator takes the organizational and technical measures necessary to protect the user’s personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, or other illegal actions of third parties.
15. The Website’s Administrator Is Obligated to:
15.1. Use the information received solely for the purposes specified in Clause 4 of this privacy policy.
15.2. Ensure that confidential information is kept secret, not to disclose it without the prior written permission of the user, as well as not to sell, exchange, publish, or disclose in other possible ways the transferred personal data of the user, except the cases specified in the Clauses 5.2 and 5.3 of this privacy policy. The user’s information will be provided to third parties only upon his/her instructions or when needed to provide the user with a certain service or services or for other reasons in accordance with the current legislation.
15.3. Take measures to protect the confidentiality of the user’s personal data in accordance with the procedure usually implemented to protect this type of information in the existing business practice.
15.4. Block personal data related to the relevant user for the verification period from the moment the user or his/her legal representative or the authorized body for the protection of the rights of data subjects apply or request, in the event that personal data or illegal actions is revealed.
15.5 To ensure system security and user balance safety, the functionality of user accounts that have not made transactions for 180 days is limited.
16. Service security policy and prevention of fraud (fraudulent actions).
The Administration of the Service in case of suspicion of any of the registered users of the Service of the following actions:
- gross violations of the rules of the Service;
- attempted fraud (fraudulent actions), including when paying by any means of payment, including bank cards;
- committing fake Projects, applications.
The Service Administration has the right to cancel the order and apply sanctions to both parties that participate in the request (payment) by blocking Users' personal accounts and access to their balances as well as to write off the funds that have been already on the Owner's balance and return them to the Advertiser, regardless of the duration of the Project (request). At the same time, the Service Administration has the right to exclude the Owner's channel(s) from the Service catalog. To control the payments, the Service Administration uses the data and information received from payment systems. Refunds are made only to the user's account from which the payment was made.
17. The right to delete a Service user's account
17.1 The Owner and the Advertiser, who are registered users of the Service, have the right to delete their Service user account only if there are no pending orders in which they are involved as a party.
17.2 If the Service user has decided to delete their account, they agree that the deletion is permanent and cannot be restored. There is no time limit within which it would have been possible to cancel the deletion of the Account or to restore the deleted Account.
17.3 In case the User who has decided to delete his/her Account has some funds on the balance of the Account, he/she can withdraw funds as stipulated in clauses 9.4. - 9.5. of these Rules, only until the Account is deleted. After the Account has been deleted, he/she can withdraw funds in accordance with paragraphs 9.4. - 9.5. of these Rules is no longer available.
17.4 The registered User of the Service agrees and confirms that he/she accepts all the consequences and risks related to the deletion of his/her Account.
18. Final Provisions
18.1. The administrator reserves the right to make changes or add or exclude provisions of the rules from time to time.
18.2. The new version of the rules comes into force from the moment it is posted on the website or in the application, unless otherwise specified in the new edition of the rules. The date of the last changes will be indicated in the rules in the corresponding field “Date of the Last Changes.”
18.3. The Advertiser and/or the Channel Owner may terminate the rules at any time by stopping the use of the service.
18.4. The administrator may terminate the rules at any time but must give prior notice to the Advertiser or the Channel Owner by sending an e-mail to the address that the Advertiser or Channel Owner indicates during registration. Termination of the general rules of use of the service will also terminate this policy.
18.5. Access to the Telega.io Service is not available to residents of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Cuba, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and other countries and territories on the OFAC list. By continuing to use the Service, you acknowledge that you are not subject to the jurisdictions of OFAC-listed countries and territories. If you have any questions, we are at your disposal at [email protected]