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✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary 07 Feb 2025
1. PERSUASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (ठोस): convincing
Synonyms: effective, cogent
Antonyms: unconvincing
Example Sentence:He gave an informative and persuasive speech.
2. SPARK (VERB): (कारण होना): give rise to
Synonyms: cause, set in motion
Antonyms: bring to an end
Example Sentence:So many things concurred to spark the problem.
3. QUESTIONABLE (ADJECTIVE): (विवादास्पद): controversial
Synonyms: contentious, in doubt
Antonyms: certain
Example Sentence:It is questionable whether any of these exceptions is genuine.
4. IMPEDIMENT (NOUN): (अवरोध): hindrance
Synonyms: obstruction, obstacle
Antonyms: benefit
Example Sentence:The lack of a new invention is a serious impediment to scientific progress.
5. MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्भावनापूर्ण): spiteful
Synonyms: malevolent, hostile
Antonyms: benevolent
Example Sentence:He was found guilty of malicious damage.
6. ERR (VERB): (भूल करना): mistake
Synonyms: blunder, misjudge
Antonyms: be right
Example Sentence:The judge had erred in the judgement.
7. MOMENTOUS (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वपूर्ण): important
Synonyms: significant, epoch-making
Antonyms: unimportant
Example Sentence:The momentous news was that war has begun.
8. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (भयानक): shocking
Synonyms: appalling, horrific
Antonyms: marvellous
Example Sentence:Egregious errors were caused by the tablet's failure to check spelling.
9. UNBLEMISHED (ADJECTIVE): (त्रुटिहीन): impeccable
Synonyms: flawless, faultless
Antonyms: flawed
Example Sentence:Her body was perfectly formed and unblemished.
10. HOSTILITY (NOUN): (कड़वापन): antagonism
Synonyms: bitterness, malevolence
Antonyms: friendliness
Example Sentence:They have hostility towards all outsiders.
1. PERSUASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (ठोस): convincing
Synonyms: effective, cogent
Antonyms: unconvincing
Example Sentence:He gave an informative and persuasive speech.
2. SPARK (VERB): (कारण होना): give rise to
Synonyms: cause, set in motion
Antonyms: bring to an end
Example Sentence:So many things concurred to spark the problem.
3. QUESTIONABLE (ADJECTIVE): (विवादास्पद): controversial
Synonyms: contentious, in doubt
Antonyms: certain
Example Sentence:It is questionable whether any of these exceptions is genuine.
4. IMPEDIMENT (NOUN): (अवरोध): hindrance
Synonyms: obstruction, obstacle
Antonyms: benefit
Example Sentence:The lack of a new invention is a serious impediment to scientific progress.
5. MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्भावनापूर्ण): spiteful
Synonyms: malevolent, hostile
Antonyms: benevolent
Example Sentence:He was found guilty of malicious damage.
6. ERR (VERB): (भूल करना): mistake
Synonyms: blunder, misjudge
Antonyms: be right
Example Sentence:The judge had erred in the judgement.
7. MOMENTOUS (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वपूर्ण): important
Synonyms: significant, epoch-making
Antonyms: unimportant
Example Sentence:The momentous news was that war has begun.
8. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (भयानक): shocking
Synonyms: appalling, horrific
Antonyms: marvellous
Example Sentence:Egregious errors were caused by the tablet's failure to check spelling.
9. UNBLEMISHED (ADJECTIVE): (त्रुटिहीन): impeccable
Synonyms: flawless, faultless
Antonyms: flawed
Example Sentence:Her body was perfectly formed and unblemished.
10. HOSTILITY (NOUN): (कड़वापन): antagonism
Synonyms: bitterness, malevolence
Antonyms: friendliness
Example Sentence:They have hostility towards all outsiders.
✅Daily The Hindu Vocabulary 30.01.2025
1. UNDERSCORE (VERB): (जोर देना): underline
Synonyms: emphasize, stress
Antonyms: understate
Example Sentence:The company underscored the progress made with fuel cells.
2. CONCLUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (निर्णायक): incontrovertible
Synonyms: incontestable, irrefutable
Antonyms: inconclusive
Example Sentence:They produced some fairly conclusive evidence.
3. CONVENE (VERB): (बुलवाना): summon
Synonyms: call, order
Antonyms: disperse
Example Sentence:He had convened a secret meeting of military personnel.
4. EXEMPLARY (ADJECTIVE): (उदाहरणात्मक): perfect
Synonyms: ideal, model
Antonyms: deplorable
Example Sentence:His behavior has always been exemplary.
5. UNDERPIN (VERB): (बढ़ावा देना): promote
Synonyms: nurture, encourage
Antonyms: hinder
Example Sentence:The two books underpinned the theme of honour.
6. STIFLE (VERB): (बाधा डालना): hinder
Synonyms: hamper, constrain
Antonyms: encourage
Example Sentence:High taxes stifled private enterprises.
7. PERFUNCTORY (ADJECTIVE): (सरसरी): cursory
Synonyms: desultory, quick
Antonyms: careful
Example Sentence:He gave a perfunctory nod.
8. IRONIC (ADJECTIVE): (व्यंग्यपूर्ण): sarcastic
Synonyms: sardonic, dry
Antonyms: sincere
Example Sentence:His mouth curved into an ironic smile.
9. RAGING (ADJECTIVE): (तूफ़ानी): stormy
Synonyms: violent, strong
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:The stream could become a raging torrent in wet weather.
10. VINDICATE (VERB): (साबित करना): justify
Synonyms: warrant, substantiate
Antonyms: attack
Example Sentence:More sober views were vindicated by events.
1. UNDERSCORE (VERB): (जोर देना): underline
Synonyms: emphasize, stress
Antonyms: understate
Example Sentence:The company underscored the progress made with fuel cells.
2. CONCLUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (निर्णायक): incontrovertible
Synonyms: incontestable, irrefutable
Antonyms: inconclusive
Example Sentence:They produced some fairly conclusive evidence.
3. CONVENE (VERB): (बुलवाना): summon
Synonyms: call, order
Antonyms: disperse
Example Sentence:He had convened a secret meeting of military personnel.
4. EXEMPLARY (ADJECTIVE): (उदाहरणात्मक): perfect
Synonyms: ideal, model
Antonyms: deplorable
Example Sentence:His behavior has always been exemplary.
5. UNDERPIN (VERB): (बढ़ावा देना): promote
Synonyms: nurture, encourage
Antonyms: hinder
Example Sentence:The two books underpinned the theme of honour.
6. STIFLE (VERB): (बाधा डालना): hinder
Synonyms: hamper, constrain
Antonyms: encourage
Example Sentence:High taxes stifled private enterprises.
7. PERFUNCTORY (ADJECTIVE): (सरसरी): cursory
Synonyms: desultory, quick
Antonyms: careful
Example Sentence:He gave a perfunctory nod.
8. IRONIC (ADJECTIVE): (व्यंग्यपूर्ण): sarcastic
Synonyms: sardonic, dry
Antonyms: sincere
Example Sentence:His mouth curved into an ironic smile.
9. RAGING (ADJECTIVE): (तूफ़ानी): stormy
Synonyms: violent, strong
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:The stream could become a raging torrent in wet weather.
10. VINDICATE (VERB): (साबित करना): justify
Synonyms: warrant, substantiate
Antonyms: attack
Example Sentence:More sober views were vindicated by events.
✅Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 25.01.2025
1. AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ती करना): increase
Synonyms: add to, supplement
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:He augmented his summer income by painting houses.
2. SPIRAL (VERB): (बहुत वृद्धि होना): soar
Synonyms: shoot up rocket
Antonyms: fall
Example Sentence:Inflation continued to spiral.
3. MENDACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मिथ्या): lying
Synonyms: untruthful, dishonest
Antonyms: truthful
Example Sentence:A product claiming to help you get ripped abs in a few hours is mendacious advertising.
4. ALLY (VERB): (संबद्ध करना): couple
Synonyms: combine, marry
Antonyms: split
Example Sentence:He allied his racing experience with his father's business acumen.
5.OBSOLETE (ADJECTIVE): (पुराना): out of date
Synonyms: outdated outmoded
Antonyms: contemporary
Example Sentence:The disposal of old and obsolete machinery is very essential.
6. CRYPTIC (ADJECTIVE): (रहस्यपूर्ण): enigmatic
Synonyms: mysterious, confusing
Antonyms: straightforwar
Example Sentence:He found his boss's utterances too cryptic.
7. COOPERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (सहयोगी): collaborative
Synonyms: collective communal
Antonyms: individual
Example Sentence:Every member has clearly defined tasks in a cooperative enterprise.
8. OBSTREPEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (कोलाहलमय): unruly
Synonyms: unmanageable disorderly
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:The boy is cocky and obstreperous.
9. IRK (VERB): (खिजाना): irritate
Synonyms: annoy, vex
Antonyms: please
Example Sentence:It irks her to think of the runaround she received.
10. DOUR (ADJECTIVE): (अस्नेही): stern
Synonyms: unsmiling, unfriendly
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:No wonder he looked so dour.
1. AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ती करना): increase
Synonyms: add to, supplement
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:He augmented his summer income by painting houses.
2. SPIRAL (VERB): (बहुत वृद्धि होना): soar
Synonyms: shoot up rocket
Antonyms: fall
Example Sentence:Inflation continued to spiral.
3. MENDACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मिथ्या): lying
Synonyms: untruthful, dishonest
Antonyms: truthful
Example Sentence:A product claiming to help you get ripped abs in a few hours is mendacious advertising.
4. ALLY (VERB): (संबद्ध करना): couple
Synonyms: combine, marry
Antonyms: split
Example Sentence:He allied his racing experience with his father's business acumen.
5.OBSOLETE (ADJECTIVE): (पुराना): out of date
Synonyms: outdated outmoded
Antonyms: contemporary
Example Sentence:The disposal of old and obsolete machinery is very essential.
6. CRYPTIC (ADJECTIVE): (रहस्यपूर्ण): enigmatic
Synonyms: mysterious, confusing
Antonyms: straightforwar
Example Sentence:He found his boss's utterances too cryptic.
7. COOPERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (सहयोगी): collaborative
Synonyms: collective communal
Antonyms: individual
Example Sentence:Every member has clearly defined tasks in a cooperative enterprise.
8. OBSTREPEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (कोलाहलमय): unruly
Synonyms: unmanageable disorderly
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:The boy is cocky and obstreperous.
9. IRK (VERB): (खिजाना): irritate
Synonyms: annoy, vex
Antonyms: please
Example Sentence:It irks her to think of the runaround she received.
10. DOUR (ADJECTIVE): (अस्नेही): stern
Synonyms: unsmiling, unfriendly
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:No wonder he looked so dour.
✅Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 21.01.2025
1. TRANQUILLIZE (VERB) (शांत करना): sedate
Synonyms: soothe, pacify
Antonyms: agitate
Example Sentence:The dogs had to be tranquillized before their owner's body could be brought out.
2. EXPEDIENT (ADJECTIVE): (फ़ायदेमंद) :convenient
Synonyms: advantageous, useful
Antonyms: inexpedient
Example Sentence:Either side could break the agreement if it were expedient to do so.
3. CUSTOMARILY (ADVERB): (प्रायः): usually
Synonyms: traditionally, normally
Antonyms: occasionally
Example Sentence:The leaves are customarily used for animal fodder.
4. UNDERSCORE (VERB): (उभारना): highlight
Synonyms: underline, point up
Antonyms: understate
Example Sentence:They underlined the need for daily, one-to-one contact between parent and child.
5. LAMENT (VERB): (विलाप करना): mourn
Synonyms: sorrow, wail
Antonyms: celebrate
Example Sentence:I may lament and weep, but truly I have had admirable sport.
6.RESCIND (VERB): (रद्द करना): revoke
Synonyms: repeal, cancel
Antonyms: enforce
Example Sentence:The government was required to rescind all the unpleasant measures.
7. DESICCATE (VERB): (सुखा देना): dried
Synonyms: dry, dehydrated
Antonyms: moist
Example Sentence:Both the old and the new vegetation were desiccated by months of relentless sun.
8. IRREFUTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अखंडनीय): indisputable
Synonyms: undeniable, unquestionable
Antonyms: unreliable
Example Sentence:It is a profound thought and, I believe, an irrefutable one.
9. INVENTIVENESS (NOUN): (रचनात्मकता): creativity
Synonyms: originality, innovation
Antonyms: unimaginativeness
Example Sentence:We all loved the inventiveness of the staging.
10. EXTOL (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): acclaim
Synonyms: sing the praises of, eulogize
Antonyms: criticise
Example Sentence:He extolled the virtues of the Indians.
1. TRANQUILLIZE (VERB) (शांत करना): sedate
Synonyms: soothe, pacify
Antonyms: agitate
Example Sentence:The dogs had to be tranquillized before their owner's body could be brought out.
2. EXPEDIENT (ADJECTIVE): (फ़ायदेमंद) :convenient
Synonyms: advantageous, useful
Antonyms: inexpedient
Example Sentence:Either side could break the agreement if it were expedient to do so.
3. CUSTOMARILY (ADVERB): (प्रायः): usually
Synonyms: traditionally, normally
Antonyms: occasionally
Example Sentence:The leaves are customarily used for animal fodder.
4. UNDERSCORE (VERB): (उभारना): highlight
Synonyms: underline, point up
Antonyms: understate
Example Sentence:They underlined the need for daily, one-to-one contact between parent and child.
5. LAMENT (VERB): (विलाप करना): mourn
Synonyms: sorrow, wail
Antonyms: celebrate
Example Sentence:I may lament and weep, but truly I have had admirable sport.
6.RESCIND (VERB): (रद्द करना): revoke
Synonyms: repeal, cancel
Antonyms: enforce
Example Sentence:The government was required to rescind all the unpleasant measures.
7. DESICCATE (VERB): (सुखा देना): dried
Synonyms: dry, dehydrated
Antonyms: moist
Example Sentence:Both the old and the new vegetation were desiccated by months of relentless sun.
8. IRREFUTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अखंडनीय): indisputable
Synonyms: undeniable, unquestionable
Antonyms: unreliable
Example Sentence:It is a profound thought and, I believe, an irrefutable one.
9. INVENTIVENESS (NOUN): (रचनात्मकता): creativity
Synonyms: originality, innovation
Antonyms: unimaginativeness
Example Sentence:We all loved the inventiveness of the staging.
10. EXTOL (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): acclaim
Synonyms: sing the praises of, eulogize
Antonyms: criticise
Example Sentence:He extolled the virtues of the Indians.
✅Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 13.01.2025
1. UNDERPIN (VERB): (बढ़ावा देना): promote
Synonyms: nurture, encourage
Antonyms: hinder
Example Sentence:The theme of honour underpinning the two books.
2. FAIRLY (ADVERB): (युक्तिपूर्वक): reasonably
Synonyms: passably, satisfactorily
Antonyms: insufficiently
Example Sentence:I was fairly certain she had nothing to do with the affair.
3. WARY (ADJECTIVE): (सावधान): cautious
Synonyms: careful, circumspect
Antonyms: unwary
Example Sentence:His expression was wary, but he said nothing.
4. NAÏVE (ADJECTIVE): (भोला-भाला): innocent
Synonyms: unsophisticated, artless
Antonyms: sophisticated
Example Sentence:I had a sweet, naive look when I smiled.
5. REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी): oppressive
Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.
6. ASSUAGE (VERB): (राहत देना): relieve
Synonyms: ease, alleviate
Antonyms: aggravate
Example Sentence:The letter assuaged the fears of most members.
7. EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy
Synonyms: swift, quick
Antonyms: slow
Example Sentence:The murder investigation needs to get expeditious.
8. MENACE (VERB): (खतरे में डालना): threaten
Synonyms: jeopardize, imperil
Antonyms: friendly
Example Sentence:Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching.
9. IMPENDING (ADJECTIVE): (निकट का): imminent
Synonyms: at hand, close
Antonyms: remote
Example Sentence:They were in impending danger of being swept away.
10. EMPATHY (NOUN): (समवेदना): affinity with
Synonyms: rapport with, togetherness
Antonyms: distance
Example Sentence:She'd been incapable of empathy or remorse.
1. UNDERPIN (VERB): (बढ़ावा देना): promote
Synonyms: nurture, encourage
Antonyms: hinder
Example Sentence:The theme of honour underpinning the two books.
2. FAIRLY (ADVERB): (युक्तिपूर्वक): reasonably
Synonyms: passably, satisfactorily
Antonyms: insufficiently
Example Sentence:I was fairly certain she had nothing to do with the affair.
3. WARY (ADJECTIVE): (सावधान): cautious
Synonyms: careful, circumspect
Antonyms: unwary
Example Sentence:His expression was wary, but he said nothing.
4. NAÏVE (ADJECTIVE): (भोला-भाला): innocent
Synonyms: unsophisticated, artless
Antonyms: sophisticated
Example Sentence:I had a sweet, naive look when I smiled.
5. REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी): oppressive
Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.
6. ASSUAGE (VERB): (राहत देना): relieve
Synonyms: ease, alleviate
Antonyms: aggravate
Example Sentence:The letter assuaged the fears of most members.
7. EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy
Synonyms: swift, quick
Antonyms: slow
Example Sentence:The murder investigation needs to get expeditious.
8. MENACE (VERB): (खतरे में डालना): threaten
Synonyms: jeopardize, imperil
Antonyms: friendly
Example Sentence:Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching.
9. IMPENDING (ADJECTIVE): (निकट का): imminent
Synonyms: at hand, close
Antonyms: remote
Example Sentence:They were in impending danger of being swept away.
10. EMPATHY (NOUN): (समवेदना): affinity with
Synonyms: rapport with, togetherness
Antonyms: distance
Example Sentence:She'd been incapable of empathy or remorse.
✅Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 07.01.2025
1. SWEEPING (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): extensive
Synonyms: wide-ranging, global
Antonyms: narrow
Example Sentence:We cannot recommend any sweeping alterations.
2. PRUDENCE (NOUN): (बुद्धिमानी): wisdom
Synonyms: judgement, sagacity
Antonyms: folly
Example Sentence:We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.
3. SHRUG (VERB): (उपेक्षा): disregard
Synonyms: dismiss, take no notice of
Antonyms: heed
Example Sentence:The managing director shrugged off the criticism.
4. MEAGRE (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): meagre
Synonyms: scanty, sparse
Antonyms: abundant
Example Sentence:His parents were poor and he received a meagre education.
5. RIVETED (VERB): (मोहित करना): fascinate
Synonyms: engross, grip
Antonyms: bore
Example Sentence:He was riveted by the newsreels shown on television.
6. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अन्तरिम): provisional
Synonyms: temporary, pro tem
Antonyms: permanent
Example Sentence:An interim arrangement was made.
7. AMBIGUITY (NOUN): (अस्पष्टता): ambivalence
Synonyms: equivocation, obscurity
Antonyms: unambiguousness transparency
Example Sentence:We can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act.
8. BAR (VERB): (निषेध करना): prohibit
Synonyms: debar, preclude
Antonyms: admit
Example Sentence:She is barred from leaving the country.
9. EXHILARATION (NOUN): (आनंद): elation
Synonyms: euphoria, exultation
Antonyms: dejection
Example Sentence:They felt the exhilaration of victory.
10. GREGARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सुसामाजिक): sociable
Synonyms: social, companionable
Antonyms: unsociable
Example Sentence:He was a popular and gregarious man.
1. SWEEPING (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): extensive
Synonyms: wide-ranging, global
Antonyms: narrow
Example Sentence:We cannot recommend any sweeping alterations.
2. PRUDENCE (NOUN): (बुद्धिमानी): wisdom
Synonyms: judgement, sagacity
Antonyms: folly
Example Sentence:We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.
3. SHRUG (VERB): (उपेक्षा): disregard
Synonyms: dismiss, take no notice of
Antonyms: heed
Example Sentence:The managing director shrugged off the criticism.
4. MEAGRE (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): meagre
Synonyms: scanty, sparse
Antonyms: abundant
Example Sentence:His parents were poor and he received a meagre education.
5. RIVETED (VERB): (मोहित करना): fascinate
Synonyms: engross, grip
Antonyms: bore
Example Sentence:He was riveted by the newsreels shown on television.
6. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अन्तरिम): provisional
Synonyms: temporary, pro tem
Antonyms: permanent
Example Sentence:An interim arrangement was made.
7. AMBIGUITY (NOUN): (अस्पष्टता): ambivalence
Synonyms: equivocation, obscurity
Antonyms: unambiguousness transparency
Example Sentence:We can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act.
8. BAR (VERB): (निषेध करना): prohibit
Synonyms: debar, preclude
Antonyms: admit
Example Sentence:She is barred from leaving the country.
9. EXHILARATION (NOUN): (आनंद): elation
Synonyms: euphoria, exultation
Antonyms: dejection
Example Sentence:They felt the exhilaration of victory.
10. GREGARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सुसामाजिक): sociable
Synonyms: social, companionable
Antonyms: unsociable
Example Sentence:He was a popular and gregarious man.
✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 20.12.2024
1. DISENGAGE (VERB): (अलग करना): remove
Synonyms: detach, disentangle
Antonyms: attach
Example Sentence:I disengaged his hand from mine.
2. ERSTWHILE (ADJECTIVE): (भूतपूर्व): former
Synonyms: old, past
Antonyms: present
Example Sentence:The erstwhile president of the company was loved by all.
3. CONCILIATION (NOUN): (शांति): appeasement
Synonyms: peacemaking, peacebuilding
Antonyms: provocation
Example Sentence:He held his hands up in a gesture of conciliation.
4. SLAM (VERB): (आलोचना करना): criticize
Synonyms: find fault with, censure
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:Jenny heard him stride away slamming him for his behaviour.
5. UPHEAVAL (NOUN): (उथल-पुथल): disruption
Synonyms: upset, disturbance
Antonyms: stability
Example Sentence:Major upheavals have hit the financial markets this year.
6. NEGATE (VERB): (अमान्य करना): invalidate
Synonyms: nullify, neutralize
Antonyms: confirm
Example Sentence:Alcohol negates the effects of the drug.
7. PRUDENCE (NOUN): (बुद्धिमत्ता): wisdom
Synonyms: judgement, sagacity
Antonyms: folly
Example Sentence:We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.
8. INDIGENOUS (ADJECTIVE): (देशज): native
Synonyms: aboriginal, local
Antonyms: expatriate
Example Sentence:The most indigenous inhabitants were the American Indians.
9. WOE (NOUN): (शोक): misery
Synonyms: sorrow, distress
Antonyms: happiness
Example Sentence:If we do not find her safe and well, woe to the man who has harmed her.
10. DEMOBILIZE (VERB): (बरख़ास्त करना): disband
Synonyms: decommission, discharge
Antonyms: conscript
Example Sentence:He was demobilized in February 1946.
1. DISENGAGE (VERB): (अलग करना): remove
Synonyms: detach, disentangle
Antonyms: attach
Example Sentence:I disengaged his hand from mine.
2. ERSTWHILE (ADJECTIVE): (भूतपूर्व): former
Synonyms: old, past
Antonyms: present
Example Sentence:The erstwhile president of the company was loved by all.
3. CONCILIATION (NOUN): (शांति): appeasement
Synonyms: peacemaking, peacebuilding
Antonyms: provocation
Example Sentence:He held his hands up in a gesture of conciliation.
4. SLAM (VERB): (आलोचना करना): criticize
Synonyms: find fault with, censure
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:Jenny heard him stride away slamming him for his behaviour.
5. UPHEAVAL (NOUN): (उथल-पुथल): disruption
Synonyms: upset, disturbance
Antonyms: stability
Example Sentence:Major upheavals have hit the financial markets this year.
6. NEGATE (VERB): (अमान्य करना): invalidate
Synonyms: nullify, neutralize
Antonyms: confirm
Example Sentence:Alcohol negates the effects of the drug.
7. PRUDENCE (NOUN): (बुद्धिमत्ता): wisdom
Synonyms: judgement, sagacity
Antonyms: folly
Example Sentence:We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.
8. INDIGENOUS (ADJECTIVE): (देशज): native
Synonyms: aboriginal, local
Antonyms: expatriate
Example Sentence:The most indigenous inhabitants were the American Indians.
9. WOE (NOUN): (शोक): misery
Synonyms: sorrow, distress
Antonyms: happiness
Example Sentence:If we do not find her safe and well, woe to the man who has harmed her.
10. DEMOBILIZE (VERB): (बरख़ास्त करना): disband
Synonyms: decommission, discharge
Antonyms: conscript
Example Sentence:He was demobilized in February 1946.
✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 19.12.2024
1. OVERTURN (VERB): (रद्द करना): cancel
Synonyms: reverse, rescind
Antonyms: allow
Example Sentence:The results completely overturned previous findings.
2 RETICENT (ADJECTIVE): (अल्पभाषी): reserved
Synonyms: withdrawn, introverted
Antonyms: expansive
Example Sentence:She was extremely reticent about her personal affairs.
3. STRIFE (NOUN): (कलह): conflict
Synonyms: friction, discord
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Example Sentence:With this civil strife the importance and prosperity of Louvain declined.
4. OBLIVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अनभिज्ञ): unaware
Synonyms: unconscious, heedless
Antonyms: aware
Example Sentence:She became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time.
5. IMPROPRIETY (NOUN): (अनौचित्य): wrongdoing
Synonyms: misconduct, dishonesty
Antonyms: propriety
Example Sentence:She was scandalized at the impropriety of the question.
6. AMITY (NOUN): (मित्रता): friendship
Synonyms: friendliness, peace
Antonyms: animosity
Example Sentence:The presence of French troops in Scotland had produced hostility rather than amity.
7. ORNATE (ADJECTIVE): (अलंकृत): elaborate
Synonyms: over-elaborate, flowery
Antonyms: plain
Example Sentence:His language was strangely ornate.
8. OPULENT (ADJECTIVE): (धनी): wealthy
Synonyms: rich, affluent
Antonyms: poor
Example Sentence:His tenants are quite opulent.
9. UNBRIDLED (ADJECTIVE): (निरंकुश): unrestrained
Synonyms: unconstrained, uncontrolled
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:A dog should have an unbridled passion for food.
10. RESOLVE (NOUN): (संकल्प): determination
Synonyms: resolution, purpose
Antonyms: indecision
Example Sentence:She received information that strengthened her resolve.
1. OVERTURN (VERB): (रद्द करना): cancel
Synonyms: reverse, rescind
Antonyms: allow
Example Sentence:The results completely overturned previous findings.
2 RETICENT (ADJECTIVE): (अल्पभाषी): reserved
Synonyms: withdrawn, introverted
Antonyms: expansive
Example Sentence:She was extremely reticent about her personal affairs.
3. STRIFE (NOUN): (कलह): conflict
Synonyms: friction, discord
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Example Sentence:With this civil strife the importance and prosperity of Louvain declined.
4. OBLIVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अनभिज्ञ): unaware
Synonyms: unconscious, heedless
Antonyms: aware
Example Sentence:She became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time.
5. IMPROPRIETY (NOUN): (अनौचित्य): wrongdoing
Synonyms: misconduct, dishonesty
Antonyms: propriety
Example Sentence:She was scandalized at the impropriety of the question.
6. AMITY (NOUN): (मित्रता): friendship
Synonyms: friendliness, peace
Antonyms: animosity
Example Sentence:The presence of French troops in Scotland had produced hostility rather than amity.
7. ORNATE (ADJECTIVE): (अलंकृत): elaborate
Synonyms: over-elaborate, flowery
Antonyms: plain
Example Sentence:His language was strangely ornate.
8. OPULENT (ADJECTIVE): (धनी): wealthy
Synonyms: rich, affluent
Antonyms: poor
Example Sentence:His tenants are quite opulent.
9. UNBRIDLED (ADJECTIVE): (निरंकुश): unrestrained
Synonyms: unconstrained, uncontrolled
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:A dog should have an unbridled passion for food.
10. RESOLVE (NOUN): (संकल्प): determination
Synonyms: resolution, purpose
Antonyms: indecision
Example Sentence:She received information that strengthened her resolve.
✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 18.12.2024
1 SCATHING (ADJECTIVE): (कुम्हलाना) :devastating
Synonyms: withering, blistering
Antonyms: mild
Example Sentence:She launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister.
2 IMMINENT (ADJECTIVE): (निकट का): impending
Synonyms: at hand, close
Antonyms: remote
Example Sentence:They were in imminent danger of being swept away.
3. TARDINESS (NOUN): (विलंबता): lateness
Synonyms: delay, retardation
Antonyms: punctuality
Example Sentence:Forgive my tardiness, I had some very important business to attend to.
4. FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): defy
Synonyms: go against, scorn
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:They flouted the norms simply by being who they are.
5. ARDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मुश्किल): onerous
Synonyms: taxing, difficult
Antonyms: easy
Example Sentence:She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.
6. BAR (PREPOSITION): (के अलावा): apart from
Synonyms: but (for), other than
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:His kids were all gone now, bar one.
7. HAIL (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): acclaim
Synonyms: praise, applaud
Antonyms: criticize
Example Sentence:He has been hailed as the new James.
8. JUBILATION (NOUN): (खुशी): joy
Synonyms: triumph, exultation
Antonyms: despondency
Example Sentence:Everyone present, witnessed unbelievable scenes of jubilation.
9. SWIFTLY (ADVERB): (तेजी से): promptly
Synonyms: immediately, instantly
Antonyms: in due course
Example Sentence:They acted swiftly in response to the invasion.
10. LEISURELY (ADJECTIVE): (आराम से): unhurried
Synonyms: relaxed, unrushed
Antonyms: brisk
Example Sentence:We had a leisurely breakfast at our hotel.
1 SCATHING (ADJECTIVE): (कुम्हलाना) :devastating
Synonyms: withering, blistering
Antonyms: mild
Example Sentence:She launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister.
2 IMMINENT (ADJECTIVE): (निकट का): impending
Synonyms: at hand, close
Antonyms: remote
Example Sentence:They were in imminent danger of being swept away.
3. TARDINESS (NOUN): (विलंबता): lateness
Synonyms: delay, retardation
Antonyms: punctuality
Example Sentence:Forgive my tardiness, I had some very important business to attend to.
4. FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): defy
Synonyms: go against, scorn
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:They flouted the norms simply by being who they are.
5. ARDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मुश्किल): onerous
Synonyms: taxing, difficult
Antonyms: easy
Example Sentence:She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.
6. BAR (PREPOSITION): (के अलावा): apart from
Synonyms: but (for), other than
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:His kids were all gone now, bar one.
7. HAIL (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): acclaim
Synonyms: praise, applaud
Antonyms: criticize
Example Sentence:He has been hailed as the new James.
8. JUBILATION (NOUN): (खुशी): joy
Synonyms: triumph, exultation
Antonyms: despondency
Example Sentence:Everyone present, witnessed unbelievable scenes of jubilation.
9. SWIFTLY (ADVERB): (तेजी से): promptly
Synonyms: immediately, instantly
Antonyms: in due course
Example Sentence:They acted swiftly in response to the invasion.
10. LEISURELY (ADJECTIVE): (आराम से): unhurried
Synonyms: relaxed, unrushed
Antonyms: brisk
Example Sentence:We had a leisurely breakfast at our hotel.
✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 16.12.2024
1. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना): diminish
Synonyms: decrease, reduce
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:The majorities behind the government dwindled and grew.
2. DELIBERATE (ADJECTIVE): (सविचार): careful
Synonyms: cautious, unhurried
Antonyms: hasty
Example Sentence:I have always been a conscientious and deliberate worker.
3. REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी): oppressive
Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.
4. OVERWEENING (ADJECTIVE): (आत्माभिमानी): overconfident
Synonyms: conceited, cocksure
Antonyms: modest
Example Sentence:His modesty is nothing but a cover for his overweening conceit.
5. DETRIMENT (NOUN): (हानि): harm
Synonyms: damage, injury
Antonyms: benefit
Example Sentence:Hurried tests are a detriment to good education.
6. PROVOCATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्तेजक): annoying
Synonyms: irritating, exasperating
Antonyms: soothing
Example Sentence:He got offended by a provocative article.
7. PRESUMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अक्खड़): brazen
Synonyms: overconfident, arrogant
Antonyms: timid
Example Sentence:The man seemed too presumptuous to be a humble leader for the nation.
8. UNDERLIE (VERB): (नींव रखना): fundamental
Synonyms: basic, basal
Antonyms: subordinate
Example Sentence:We discussed the principles that underlay their methods.
9. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (मामूली): slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:It made only a marginal difference.
10. MACABRE (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर): gruesome
Synonyms: grisly grim
Antonyms: pleasant
Example Sentence:A macabre series of murders shocked us.
1. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना): diminish
Synonyms: decrease, reduce
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:The majorities behind the government dwindled and grew.
2. DELIBERATE (ADJECTIVE): (सविचार): careful
Synonyms: cautious, unhurried
Antonyms: hasty
Example Sentence:I have always been a conscientious and deliberate worker.
3. REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी): oppressive
Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.
4. OVERWEENING (ADJECTIVE): (आत्माभिमानी): overconfident
Synonyms: conceited, cocksure
Antonyms: modest
Example Sentence:His modesty is nothing but a cover for his overweening conceit.
5. DETRIMENT (NOUN): (हानि): harm
Synonyms: damage, injury
Antonyms: benefit
Example Sentence:Hurried tests are a detriment to good education.
6. PROVOCATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्तेजक): annoying
Synonyms: irritating, exasperating
Antonyms: soothing
Example Sentence:He got offended by a provocative article.
7. PRESUMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अक्खड़): brazen
Synonyms: overconfident, arrogant
Antonyms: timid
Example Sentence:The man seemed too presumptuous to be a humble leader for the nation.
8. UNDERLIE (VERB): (नींव रखना): fundamental
Synonyms: basic, basal
Antonyms: subordinate
Example Sentence:We discussed the principles that underlay their methods.
9. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (मामूली): slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:It made only a marginal difference.
10. MACABRE (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर): gruesome
Synonyms: grisly grim
Antonyms: pleasant
Example Sentence:A macabre series of murders shocked us.
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