![Advertising in Telegram. Telegram Channel logo "Jujutsu Kaisen | English Dub | Jujutsu Kaisen 0" Advertising in Telegram. Telegram Channel logo @jujutsu_kaisen_english_dub](/system/channels/avatars/000/063/638/card/IMG_20220112_070836_308.jpg)
Advertising on the Telegram channel «Jujutsu Kaisen | English Dub | Jujutsu Kaisen 0»
Lowest advertisement price with almost 94k subscribers
High engagement, low price
This is an entertainment channel.
Here we upload various types of web series and anime.
Most of the audience is of age b/w 17 to 30.
and the people who subscribed to this channel are from every part of the world(almost)
We will give you extra +6 hours and your post will be pinned for 6h too