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Major revolutions related to different sectors
◆ Green Revolution:- Food grain production
◆ White Revolution:- Milk production
◆ Blue Revolution:- Fish production
◆ Brown Revolution (grey/grey):- Cement, fertilizer, wool production
◆ Silver Revolution:- Egg (poultry) production
◆ Yellow Revolution:- Oilseed production
◆ Black Revolution:- Biodiesel production
◆ Red Revolution:- Tomato/Meat production
◆ Pink Revolution:- Lobster production
◆ Almond Revolution:- Masala production
◆ Golden Revolution:- Fruit production
◆ Amrit Revolution:- River linking projects
◆ Round Revolution:- Potato
◆ Rainbow Revolution:- To keep an eye on all revolutions
◆ Sunrise Revolution:- For the development of electronic industry
◆ Ganga Revolution:- To create morality against corruption For Water Man of India by Rajendra Singh
◆ Evergreen Revolution:- Biotechnology
◆ Saffron Revolution:- From Saffron Production
◆ Green Gold Revolution:- From Bamboo Production
◆ Silent Revolution:- From Production of Coarse Cereals
◆ Parmani Revolution:- From Okra Production
◆ Green Gold Revolution:- From Tea Production
◆ Food Chain Revolution:- To save food grains/vegetables/fruits from rotting
◆ Khaki Revolution:- From Leather Production
◆ White Gold Revolution:- From Cotton Production
◆ N.H. Revolution:- From Golden Quadrilateral Scheme
╭─❀⊰╯✍️ General Knowledge Quiz
1. In which organ of the human body does maximum absorption of food take place?
small intestine
2. When is Human Rights Day celebrated?
𝐀𝐧𝐬👉 10 December
3. Who invented logarithm tables?
𝐀𝐧𝐬👉 John Napier
4. Malfunction of which organ causes jaundice?
𝐀𝐧𝐬👉 Lever
5. Where is NDA located?
𝐀𝐧𝐬👉 Khadakwasla
6. After how many years interval Olympic Games are organized?
Year 4
7. Should the melting point of fuse wire be high or low?
𝐀𝐧𝐬👉 less
8. Which is the largest Gurudwara in India?
𝐀𝐧𝐬👉 Golden Temple in Amritsar
9. In which country is the headquarters of the United Nations (UNO) located?
𝐀𝐧𝐬👉 USA (in New York)
10. The instrument which is used to view objects on the surface of water from a submarine underwater?
𝐀𝐧𝐬👉 Periscope
11.G-15 is whose economic group?
𝐀𝐧𝐬👉 Third World Nation
12. In children, excessive secretion from pituitary gland occurs?
𝐀𝐧𝐬👉 increased height
13. Who is the only person to have won two Nobel Prizes individually?
𝐀𝐧𝐬👉 Dr. Linus Carl Pauling
╭─❀⊰╯✍️ Important GK GS Quiz
𝗤. Which was the first ancient city discovered in India?
➨ Harappa
𝗤. Who said 'Swaraj is my birth right'?
➨ Bal Gangadhar Tilak
𝗤. Who was the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi?
➨ Gopal Krishna Gokhale
𝗤. Who was the first Muslim female ruler of Northern India/the first female ruler to rule Delhi?
➨ Razia Sultan
𝗤. Which was the port of Indus civilization?
➨ Lothal
𝗤. Who was the founder of Indian National Congress?
➨ A.O. Hume
𝗤. The first sermon given by Mahatma Buddha is called?
➨ Turning the wheel of Dharma
𝗤. Which Veda is composed in both prose and poetry?
➨ Yajurveda
𝗤. Who started the first newspaper in India?
➨ Syed Ahmed Khan
𝗤. During whose reign Buddhism got divided into two parts- Hinayana and Mahayana?
➨ Kanishka
𝗤. Who was the last ruler of the Lodhi dynasty?
➨ Ibrahim Lodhi
𝗤. Where was the first Jain sangeet held?
➨ Pataliputra
𝗤. Which Sultan of Delhi has been described by historians as a 'mixture of contradictions'?
➨ Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
𝗤. What was the smallest unit of Rigvedic society?
➨ Clan or Family
𝗤. Which ruler had a powerful navy?
➨ Chola
𝗤. Who was the originator of 'Sankirtan tradition'?
➨ Chaitanya
𝗤. Which Mughal ruler was called 'Alamgir'?
➨ Aurangzeb
𝗤. Who was honored with the title of 'Shaheed-e-Azam'?
➨ Bhagat Singh
𝗤. Which politician died in the lathi charge during the demonstration against Simon Commission?
➨ Lala Lajpat Rai
𝗤. Who was the founder of Wahabi movement?
➨ Syed Ahmed
Question 1:- Which state government has launched 'Gunotsav 2024' ?
Answer :- Assam State Government.
Question 2:- According to whom Indian economy can grow at the rate of 7.3% in FY24 ?
Answer :- According to NSO.
Question 3:- Indian Railways and who have signed an MoU for green initiatives ?
Answer :- CII.
Question 4:- Which country will export 10000 MW of electricity to India in the next 10 years ?
Answer :- Nepal.
Question 5:- In which neighbouring country will national elections be held from January 7 ?
Answer :- In Bangladesh.
Question 6:- Which city's 'Maharishi Valmiki International Airport has got international status?
Answer :- Of Ayodhya.
Question 7:- Which airline has announced to withdraw the fuel charges levied on passengers ?
Answer :- Indigo.
Question 8:- Which country will set up 'India Park' for exhibition of India export products ?
Answer :- UAE.
Question 9:- Which ministry has launched “Prerna Programme” for students ?
Answer :- Ministry of Education.
Question 10:- Who has successfully tested the fuel cell on the POEM3 platform of PSLV-C58 ?
Answer :- ISRO.
Question 11:- Who has been appointed by NIIFL as its new CEO ?
Answer: - To Sanjeev Agarwal.
Question 12:- Who has become the Executive Director of Asian Development Bank ?
Answer :- Senior IAS officer Vikas Sheel.
Question 13:- Who has become the first woman DGP of Maharashtra state ?
Answer :- IPS Rashmi Shukla.
Question 14:- Who has been appointed as the Executive Director of SEBI ?
Answer :- G. Ram Mohan Rao.
Question 15:- Singapore-based companies will sign a $5 billion MoU with which state government at GIM (Global Investors Meet) 2024 ?
Answer :- With Tamil Nadu State Government.
Question 16:- How many Indian cities have been nominated for the International Wetland City tag ?
Answer :- 3 Indian cities.
Question 17:- Which Odisha cricketer has been banned for two years by BCCI ?
Answer: – On Sumit Sharma.
Question 18:- India and which country have played the shortest test match ever in their 147 year history ?
Answer :- South Africa.
Question 19:- Where did Anurag Thakurji inaugurate ' Beach Games' ?
Answer: - At Ghoghla Beach.
Question 20:- Who has unveiled the PRITHvi VIgyan scheme ?
Answer :- Prime Minister Modiji.
Happy New year Guys
Some important facts about cyclones of the world
● What is a hurricane - a cyclone
● How does a cyclone originate - from two bodies with different temperatures
● What is the direction of the cyclone - anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere
● What is the shape of a cyclone - oval
● What is the calm area of a cyclone called? - Eye
● 'Eye of the cyclone' is a characteristic of which cyclone - Tropical cyclone
● On which scale is the strength of a cyclone measured— T-scale
● What is a typhoon - Cyclone of Japan and China Ocean
● By what name are tropical cyclones known in Australia - Williwilli
● What is 'Bhavar Siddhanta' related to - cyclones
● Who propounded the 'Bhavara Siddhanta' - Berknez
● Tornado is related to- North America
● What is the characteristic of anticyclone - Clear sky
● What are the high pressure winds that move outwards from the centre called? - Anticyclone
● In which region do anticyclones originate - in the equatorial region
● What is the shape of an anticyclone - circular
● Which cyclone is the most destructive - Tornado
● What is Doldr - Low pressure area around the equator
● What is the direction of wind in a cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere - counterclockwise
● What is the direction of wind in a cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere - clockwise
● What is a twister - a cyclone of terrestrial America
● How do anticyclones compare to cyclones— they are larger
● Where is the air pressure highest in an anticyclone - in the center
● In which region do tornado cyclones occur the most? - America and Australia
● Who propounded the 'polar front theory' regarding the origin of cyclones - J. Berknez
● What is the approximate speed of a hurricane cyclone? - 120 km/h
⛲️Indus Civilization / Harappa Objective Question and Answer ⛲️
1.Q: What was the maximum ruling period of Harappan Civilization?
Ans: - 2500 BC - 1750 BC (about 8000 years old)
2.Q: Indus civilization was not contemporary of which civilization?
Ans: - Civilization of Crete
3.Q: How far was the Indus Valley civilization spread?
Ans: - Rajasthan, Punjab, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Balochistan and Sindh
4.Q: Where were horse remains found in the Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans:- Surkotada
5.Q: Where is the Kalibangan site of Indus Valley Civilization situated?
Answer: - In Rajasthan
6.Q: Which metal was used in the making of coins during the Harappan period?
Ans:- Alabaster
7.Q: Harappan Civilization or Indus Valley Civilization belonged to which era?
Ans:- Bronze Age
8.Q: What was the main occupation of people in Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans:- Business
9.Q: Which type of people were the inhabitants of Harappan civilization?
Ans:- Urban
10.Q: What were houses made of in the Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans:- From brick
11.Q: The inhabitants of the Indus Valley Civilization were the first (most) in producing which item?
Answer: - Cotton
12.Q: Who was the person who discovered the Harappan civilization?
Ans:- Dayaram Sahni
13.Q: Which was the port of Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans:- Lotham
14.Q: The discovery of the scale has proved that the people of the Indus Valley were familiar with measurement and weights. Where was this discovery made?
Ans:- Lotham
15.Q: Into which classes was the Harappan society divided?
Ans:- Scholars, warriors, traders and laborers
16.Q: Which was the most appropriate name for the Indus Valley Civilization?
Answer: - Harappan civilization
17.Q: In which year was the Harappan civilization discovered?
Answer: - In 1921 A.D.
18.Q: Which god was most respected in the Harappan civilization?
Ans:- Pashupati.
19.Q: What was the social system of the people of Harappan civilization?
Ans:- proper egalitarian
20.Q: Which archaeological site of the Harappan civilization has been called “Garden of Sindh”?
Ans:- Mohenjo Daro
🏕 GK/GS Important Questions 🏕
🔹 In which organ of human body maximum absorption of food takes place?
➨ Small intestine
🔹 When is Human Rights Day celebrated?
➨ 10 December
🔹 Who invented logarithm tables?
➨ John Napier
🔹 Malfunction of which organ causes jaundice?
➨ Liver
🔹 NDA is situated at which place?
➨ Khadakvasla
🔹 After how many years interval Olympic games are held?
➨ 4 years
🔹 Melting point of fuse wire should be high or low?
➨ Low
🔹 Largest Gurudwara in India is?
➨ Golden Temple in Amritsar
🔹 In which country is the headquarters of United Nations Organization (UNO) located?
➨ USA (in New York)
🔹 The instrument which is used to view objects on the surface of water from a submarine under water?
➨ Periscope
🔹 G-15 is an economic group of?
➨ Third World Nations
🔹 Excessive secretion from pituitary gland in children causes?
➨ Increased height
🔹 Who is the only person to win two Nobel Prizes individually?
➨ Dr. Linus Carl Pauling
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🔵Important Oneliner Science
📒Flowing in water is possible due to which law of Newton's motion?
▪Third law
📒‘A body will remain at rest until an external force acts on it.’ Whose statement is this?
▪ Newton
📒What is the name nucleon generally used for?
▪ Proton and neutron
📒What is agroforestry?
▪ Planting woody perennial trees on the same land along with agriculture
📒Which of the following is studied in exo-biology?
▪ Life on outer planets and in space
📒Monazite is the ore of what?
▪ Thorium
📒Why does a cyclist have to apply more force in the beginning?
▪ The conductor applies more force to overcome inertia.
📒Who first used the word ‘Biology’?
▪ Lamarck and Treviranus
📒Who is the father of ‘Botany’?
▪ Theophrastus
📒Who is considered the father of ‘Medical Science’?
▪ Hippocrates
📒What is the study of flowers called?
▪ Anthology
📒Where is the Forest Research Institute located?
▪ Dehradun
📒Where is the headquarters of ‘Botanical Survey of India’ located?
▪ Kolkata
📒Who among the following is called the ‘Father of Taxonomy’?
▪ Carl Varn Linnaeus
📒What is the basic unit of classification?
▪ Species
📒Who discovered bacteria first?
▪ Leeuwenhoek
📒In which is the true nucleus absent?
▪ In bacteria
📒Food poisoning is caused by?
▪ Clostridium botulinum
📒Which of the following crops helps in nitrogen fixation?
▪ Beans
📒Which of the following diseases is caused by bacteria?
▪ Leprosy
📒Freezing of material containing microbes is a process, whose function is to
▪Inactivate bacteria
📒Caking of milk in the form of curd is due to
▪ Lactobacillus
📒What are the fungi called that grow on the bark of trees?
▪ Corticoles
📒Which of the following causes the itchy disease ‘Scabies’?
📒Lichens are made up of which two classes of plants?
▪ Fungi and Algae
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