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🖌Michael Jackson in an orphanage.
Moscow, 1993.
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🖌Diego Maradona in training. Naples, 1986.
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🖌Payback for a lit cigarette
Bradford City Football Club stadium on fire, England, 1985.
56 people burned and about 200 hospitalized with severe burns.
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🖌Al Capone playing the bonjos, 1930s.
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🖌Four-barrel flintlock pistol, late 18th century
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🖌The 19th century firefighters looked like Darth Vader and C3PO.
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🖌An ancient Roman slave's collar with the inscription, "Catch me! I have escaped! If you catch me and take me to my master Zoninus, you will receive a solidus (Roman gold coin)!", 4th century AD
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🖌Demonstration in support of marijuana legalization. Canada, 1990.
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🖌Walt Disney in front of a sketch of the world's first Disneyland.
USA, 1954.
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