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Let’s say you longed $XRP with my signal here at 2.31. Used 100k usd with 20x margin, in just few days your profit could be $374k
Good morning everybody.
It was a very fun and exciting day. Again, as always, we found the right ones and won, we made you win.
Now it's time to get some rest. It's been 16 hours since I woke up.
Good night everyone.
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Left one is $XRP, right one is $BTC
I think Ripple is gonna be top 2 soon.
Left one is $XRP, right one is $BTC
I think Ripple is gonna be top 2 soon.
To talk about some periods at DEFI side;
Almost all crypto investors on the DEFI side are chasing 100x very quickly. In other words, traders who are eager to make money very quickly. Usually gamblers. For this reason, memes will never end in this space. Some narratives will always come and go.
The real question is, when will solid utility projects on ETH reach the levels they deserve? This is entirely possible with the spot appreciation of ETH. Since all quality utility projects are on the ETH chain, we need Vitalik's actions to revitalize the network.
If not, we have no choice but to wait for the meme and alt chain season to end naturally.
For this exact reason, do not trade at all during this period. Or if you are trading, remember that you are completely gambling.
Remember that while you are losing, devs and teams are making millions.
For example, the Broccoli team, which is currently at 78 million, and the fags around it have earned millions of dollars. They all earned this money thanks to you.
On the other hand, my winner pick is progressing very solidly. It is currently at 25 million. Gives me CTO Neiro vibes (community TG: @BroccoliOnBNB . 100%)
Anyway, know your risks. Do not bet with higher amounts than you will feel sorry for if you lose.
I love you all.
I'm bored of broccoli. I'm thinking of not eating broccoli for the rest of my life.
LMFAO, BSC is really shit.
Better community wins all the time. Let's see. I have never failed on my picks. But on gamble ones, i am not sure tho.
Haha it's fun to watch pvp on Broccolis. I think the one I shared above has more potential than the other one. Up to you.