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How to make people reach out to you
First of all, find out who YOU are.
Self that can and loves to be alone for a long time. The one who appreciates freedom and solitude and knows what to do there. Someone who approaches and leaves without being attached to the result. That person who can leave at any moment without feeling guilty. One who knows what his fillings are. Someone who can easily be in the spotlight, and just as easily get out of it.
Someone who will gladly watch those dancing, with no desire to dance, just enjoying what is being seen. Someone who recognizes other people's talents without envy. Someone who hears himself and develops what he wants to.
When a person is self-explanatory, interesting, when he is filled with love and comprehension, people reach out to such a person. After all, this kind of a person is happy to see who is coming and who is going. He respects other people's space and doesn't grasp at people...
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Discovering yourself means hearing all your little idiosyncrasies
Finding out that you like espresso and you don't like cappuccino, even though both contain caffeine. Realize, for instance, that you cannot work in an office due to your character and must seek freelance work.
Get a taste for people and find out that you don't like everyone. Figure out and let yourself practice what makes you happy. Realize that you don't feel great in November, but April is a time of renewal for you.
This process is like constantly building a house, brick by brick, tile by tile. The more different materials, the bigger, more interesting and more beautiful your house is. Your home features an entrance and windows, and not everyone you'll let in.
Life is given to us to recognize ourselves, every year, every step, as a revelation and discovery of ourselves.
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Adrenaline addiction
People addicted to high levels of adrenaline in their blood routinely take part in extreme sports despite injuries and other negative consequences of their hobby.
When stressed, the "fight or flight" reaction is triggered in the mind.
But what good is that? In moments of stress, not only adrenaline is released, but also norepinephrine, which causes feelings of euphoria and happiness.
Thus, an adrenaline junkie may even put his life in danger to provoke stress.
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The Hate Virus
When we notice that others disregard norms and follow impulses, we easily allow ourselves to succumb to whatever impulses we have. That is, whenever we grasp universal hatred, our own self-control declines.
A famous person has donated money for hot lunches for doctors - "he's a bastard - it's PR." A famous actress sets up a fund to help sick children - "well, of course, it's a corrupt scheme."
Even the worst of times pass. But the anger in our hearts will accumulate and grow until it destroys all the good in each of us.
And remember, he, whom you hate, may not even know of your existence, but the virus of hatred can start certain psychosomatic processes in your own body.
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Why do we live in a world of total annoyance?
We get irritated by things intrinsic to us. Or, more precisely, what we don't want to accept and recognize in ourselves.
▫️ People do not live up to our expectations. The closer a person is to us, the more "friendly" we think he is, the more we demand from him.
▫️ We are frequently annoyed by other people's successes. That happens if we compare our own weaknesses with the strengths of others.
We tend to be immersed in material things, considering material objects valuable, things worth our blood-earned money, but we don't really value human relationships, the ones we receive for free.
What do we end up with?
Dislike and rejection of yourself generates dislike of those around you, because the world outside is only a reflection of the inner one.
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Similar attracts similar
Low energy attracts low energy, high energy attracts high energy.
Low energy feelings include anger, hatred, envy, shame, guilt, and related thoughts. Not only do they weaken you, but also appeal to the similar ones!
By replacing low energy thoughts with elevated thoughts of love, harmony, peace, and joy, you will begin to attract higher energies and vibrations to yourself, that you can then give to others. These higher energies will empower you and help you dispel low-potential thoughts, just as light dispels darkness.
If you love yourself more, you will attract higher energies, leading to inner change🔥
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Happiness and how to realize that you are blissful?
✨ There's no universal recipe for happiness.
People try to look for other people's strategies and apply them to their own lives, but other people's lives are not ours and we are not that person smiling in the picture.
So! The recipe for happiness is different for everyone. Otherwise, absolutely everyone would already be meditating, writing gratitude journals and being happy...
💡 What to do: try various strategies for achieving happiness in practice (I'll give them here), examine self, realize yourself.
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Self-care in action
▫️ Getting a good night's sleep: An adequate amount of sleep every night is a basic principle of self-care.
▫️ Physical activity: Exercise increases serotonin levels, and that improves your mood.
▫️ Relaxation: The ability to relax is a skill that runs through all self-care practices and is directly linked to reduced stress levels.
▫️ Healthy eating: A well-balanced diet is a great habit and method of taking care of your health.
❕ One thing to remember is that "taking care of yourself" has the word "yourself" in it. It is a practice that you implement for you, and no one else will do it for you.
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Doesn't anxiety make life unbearable?
Anxiety makes a person a VICTIM. Life and the world around us become insecure. More often than not, anxiety has existed for a very long time without a person noticing it.
Anxiety becomes noticeable after an accumulation of stressful situations. In turn, stress is suppressed and anxiety grows. People come to therapy, as a rule, with "flooding" anxiety, which is already impossible to tolerate. It often spoils sleep, reduces the efficiency of activity, changes relations with people, makes pleasure inaccessible.
What to do?
Figure it out for yourself. Observe. When does anxiety arise? How stable is it? After some event or is it chronic in nature. Find the cause, talk it out loud, and begin to work with your specific fear.
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Keep in mind gratitude
A cosmic law has existed since ancient times: if a person is not grateful for the help or knowledge rendered, the energy of gratitude will be taken away from him in one way or another. The ungrateful person breaks the balance of energies, so it will be restored at the first opportunity. ⠀
Just as a lake, from which water has been taken for irrigation, will draw water from other places to restore its level and it does not matter whether that water comes in a downpour from the clouds or from nearby wells. ⠀
So wrap things up with gratitude.
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