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Is it true that carrots improve eyesight?
Only in case of hen's blindness.
Thus is called a disorder of vision, in which a person sees poorly in half darkness. This condition is caused by a lack of vitamin A. Carotenoids, which are rich in carrots, which are close in chemical structure to vitamin A and easily converted into it inside the body.
Once the content of vitamin A comes to normal, carrots do not improve vision.
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What level should you discharge batteries to to keep them in service longer?
Nickel-based batteries are best discharged completely, otherwise their capacity will decrease due to the so-called memory effect. Moreover, if you use a set of several nickel batteries, it is advisable to discharge each one separately to 0.9 volt once every 10 cycles and then charge it. They should not be stored fully discharged: the optimum storage condition is a 40% charge.
This also applies to lithium batteries which, unlike nickel batteries, can be recharged at any level. They should neither be completely discharged nor kept 100% charged, as both reduce their service life.
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Why does gargling with salt water help cure a sore throat?
Gargling with salt water is a common folk remedy for sore throats. According to Dr. Howard Levine, an otolaryngologist, gargling with a solution consisting of half a teaspoon of salt and a quarter cup of warm water relieves the pain caused by inflammation. Dr. Levine says that if you add baking soda to the salt water, the solution can break down the thick mucus.
The solution cleanses the mouth, temporarily washing away bacteria and pus.
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Is caffeine addiction similar to drug one?
Technically, no.
If look at it from the side of the law, an addiction is only considered a narcotic if it is caused by substances on the registry of narcotic substances. Since caffeine is not one of them, the addiction is not narcotic.
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What color is a chameleon when not camouflaged?
Chameleons change color not only for camouflage, but also to express "emotions" and intraspecific communication - mating and threatening demonstrations. In addition, their coloration depends on light, temperature and other conditions.
When exposed to sunlight, their coloration tends to green shades, and as it warms up, it becomes dark brown
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Is the DNA of twins different?
Twins can be identical and uniovular.
Identical twins come from one egg fertilized by one sperm. When they divide, their DNA can change and produce a different but very similar set of genetic information.
Fraternal (uniovular) twins come from different eggs, so their DNA set is as similar as that of normal siblings.
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Why is the circle exactly 360 degrees?
It's a Sumerian legacy.
Sumer, and later Babylon used the hexadecimal numbering system. In it numbers from 1 to 59 were written in the decimal system, then counted in "sixties", then in 3600 (= 60²), and so on.
It was then that the circle began to be divided into six times 60 parts, which were later called degrees. But why not just into 60 parts? It has to do with the duration of the year (365.25 days), that is, the Sun moves relative to the stars by about 1° per day.
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How do mountain goats stay on steep cliffs?
On a perfectly smooth wall, goats can't hold on. But they can stand on tiny rock ledges and even run on them.
Hooves of goats are narrow, hard, able to move apart widely. They have soft sensitive pads that partially cover the stone the animal has stepped on and create additional traction.
Equally important is the animal's exceptional sense of balance, precise coordination of movements, and sharp eyesight, which allows it to see the unevenness of the wall. If the stone the goat has stepped on is too narrow, the animal immediately pushes off and jumps further.
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Why can you see farther from the mountain in winter than in summer?
Well, that's because cold air refracts light more than cold air.
It's all about refraction - bending the path of light as it moves through layers of air of varying density. So light gets twisted slightly, allowing you to "look beyond the horizon". In summer, refraction at the horizon is about 0.5°, but in winter the cold air becomes denser and refraction increases, rarely reaching 2°. Then you can see more distant objects.
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What is the smell of metal related to?
From solid metals, atoms practically do not bounce off. A person smells the products of chemical reactions that take place on the metal surface under the influence of foreign active substances.
Thus, for example, acids in human sweat react with carbon and phosphorus inclusions in steel and cast iron. Products made of noble metals do not smell because they are chemically passive.
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